Timeline of Elections

Below you may find the timeline of events for the 2024 GSA By-Election of VP External Timeline.

All times listed are in Mountain Time.

Timeline and Important Dates for VP External By-Election

Tuesday, August 20th at 8:30am

Nominations Open

Tuesday, September 3rd at 4:00pm

Nominations Close

Wednesday, September 4th from 2:00-4:00pm in the GSA Boardroom (1-31 Triffo Hall)

All-Candidates Meeting 

  • Attendance at the All-Candidates Meeting is mandatory, as well as  associated meeting materials, will be sent to all candidates following the  close of the nomination period. 


  • Failure to attend without adequate prior notification of at least one (1) hour  to the CRO is grounds for disqualification.  


  • A scribe will be present at the All-Candidates Meeting and, shortly after the  meeting, notes will be distributed to all candidates. 

Thursday, September 5th at 12:00am (Midnight)

Campaigning Period Opens

  • The campaign period will last at least seven (7) calendar days and will begin  no earlier than the day following the All-Candidates Meeting 
  • The campaign period will run from 5 Sept 2024 to 11 Sept 2024. This  includes the two (2) day voting period.

Monday, September 9th from 12:00-1:00pm 

in the FGPS Boardroom (1-16 Triffo Hall)


  • A GSA By-Election of the VP External candidates’ forum will be hosted,  open to all graduate students to attend. A recording of the forum will be  posted on the GSA website. Attendance for candidates is mandatory.

The GSA VP External By Election Forum recording can be viewed here.

Tuesday, September 10th at 10:00am

Voting Opens

  • The voting period will last forty-eight (48) hours from 10 AM on Tuesday, 10 Sept to 10 AM on Thursday, 12 Sept 2024. 


  • Campaigning is allowed during the voting period.

Thursday, September 12th at 10:00am

Campaigning Period Closes, Voting Closes

  • Voting and campaigning close at 10:00 AM (MST).

Thursday, September 12th at 11:00 am

Provisional Results

  •  Provisional results are results subject to change due to possible outstanding  complaints to the CRO and appeals of CRO decisions.

Thursday, September 12th at 12:00 pm

Expense forms and receipts due

Friday, September 13th at 11:00am

Deadline for Complaints & Final Results

  • Official results will be announced once the deadline to lodge an alleged  breach or complaint about alleged breaches has passed.