DEO Priorities and Updates
Read Priority Updates
President: Muhammad Haseeb Arshad
Key Priorities
GSA Bylaw and Policy Revision
Coursework Based Masters Scholarship
The natural language processing analysis of "Understanding Financial Realities: An Analysis of the Financial Condition among UofA Graduate Students" revealed that course-based master's students face significant mental health challenges and financial struggles. This led to the initiation of a hybrid award based on academic performance, financial need, and community service.
Advocating for more funding towards the Graduate Student Support Fund (GSSF)
Advocating for UofA’s policy revision around student protests
Graduate Peer Support Program
Graduate Academic Peer-Connect Conference
UofA Food Strategy and Campus Food Bank Support
Understanding and Improving Student-Supervisor Relationships
Finalizing the Contract for New Health & Dental Provider
Advocating for new UofA’s Mobile App
The GSA is advocating for the development of the myUAlberta app that improves access to campus services and enhances communication for students. Proposed features include e-class integration, real-time transit updates, and notifications for university updates, all aimed at increasing student engagement and ease of access to campus resources.
Advocating for Student Financial Issues
Following a survey on financial realities and mental health, the GSA highlighted the financial pressures facing graduate students across Canada through its federal and provincial advocacy efforts.
Establishment of New Combined Alberta Graduate Students Advocacy Front (CGSAF)
VP Academic: Rija Kamran
Key Priorities
Advocating for University-Wide PhD Minimum Funding
Federal Advocacy with Canadian Association of Student Alliance (CASA)
Tuition Relief Mechanisms for Graduate Students
VP External: Parman Mojir Shaibani
Key Priorities
Advocating for Enhanced Transit Safety for Students
Advocating for Transparency and Reduction in Non-Instructional Fees
Advocating for clearer tuition guidelines to ensure transparency in fee allocation and reduce the burden of mandatory non-instructional fees on students.
Securing Federal Grants to Support Graduate Students
Advocating through CASA to secure critical federal grants that enhance funding opportunities and financial support for graduate students.
Advocating to Limit Provincial Oversight on Federal Grants
In response to Bill 18, which requires provincial approval for federal funding agreements, this priority aims to reduce provincial involvement in the approval process for federal grants through targeted advocacy efforts.
Advocating for Affordable Housing and Fair Rental Practices
In response to rising rent prices and insufficient notice for rent increases, this priority focuses on advocating for affordable housing solutions and fairer rental practices to better support graduate students.
VP Student Life
Key Priorities
Increased Indigenous Representation
Building Community Networks
Improving Student Experience
VP Student Services: Saad Arslan Iqbal
Key Priorities
Campus Food Bank Support
Regular Meetings include meeting with CFB Director and Board members (as needed), fulfilling the responsibilities of the CFB Board Member and contributing to internal Policy Committee
U-Pass Administration & Negotiations
Regular meetings include U-Pass Administration Committee with members both internal and external to the UofA and U-Pass Negotiation Sessions along-with student leaders from the UASU and other U-Pass participating institutions
Mental Health and Wellness Support
Regular meetings include Days of Action (DOA) Committee Meetings, Student Group Mental Health Network, and other related meetings
Support for Student-Who-Parent/Caregivers
Regular meetings with the Students Who Parent Working Group, Child-Minding Service Providers, and SPOC group (as needed)
GSA Health and Dental Plan
Regular meetings with Studencare representative and individual students to discuss issues related to H&D Plan, meetings with Ellement, the new Health & Dental Plan provider
Advocacy and Support for International Graduate Student
Regular meetings with the Director, University of Alberta International (UAI) or other delegates
Connecting Graduate Students & Leadership
Associate VP Labour: Muneeb Masood Raja
Key Priorities
Collective Agreement Preparation and Bargaining Process
Union Member Education and Empowerment
Providing educational opportunities to union members to ensure they are informed about their rights as graduate student workers, while also addressing several labor-related issues
Increasing the GSA Union Outreach and Visibility
Improving our outreach and visibility to our union members.
Advancing Non-Monetary and Monetary Proposal Negotiations
Preparing to negotiate both non-monetary and monetary proposals to improve conditions for graduate students