Graduate Students' Association GSA Students looking at tv screen

List of Candidates

Complete nomination packages are received by the GSA office and verified by the GSA Chief Returning Officer (GSA CRO) prior to being listed on the GSA website. Candidates were given the opportunity to submit their photo and bio as part of their nomination.

Nomination packages were to be submitted in advance of the deadline of Tuesday, 3 September 2024.


VP External

2024 GSA Election of VP Student Life Re-Election Timeline

The 2024 GSA Election of VP Student Life Re-Election Timeline was approved by the GSA Chief Returning Officer (CRO) in consultation with the GSA Elections and Referenda Committee (GSA ERC). This timeline has been developed in accord with GSA Bylaw and Policy, Section I: Elections, which can be found here
2024 List of Candidates
GSA Bylaw and Policy governs the Election and Referenda. If you have any questions, please contact the GSA Chief Returning Officer at


The results of previous GSA General Elections and GSA Referenda are available in the GSA Elections and Referenda Archive. A record of GSA Chief Returning Officer and GSA Speaker decisions and appeal decisions can also be found there.
Visit the Archive