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2024 Harm Reduction Tent Report

March 12, 2025


Written by Emma Chambers & Hannah Bayne, GSA EDI Committee Members

Report Summary & Organization

Harm reduction supplies and information are essential health services in Canadian universities. This report serves as a call to action for the University of Alberta and all Canadian universities to implement harm reduction strategies in all campus spaces where alcohol consumption occurs or could occur. It emphasizes the urgent need to prevent avoidable student deaths by ensuring effective and immediate support, thereby enabling students to return home safely.

The report begins by examing the background of harm reduction, its principles, and the unique ways university students are impacted by substance use and sexual health concerns. Additionally, the report highlights the barriers to implementing harm reduction on campuses and the consequences of these shortcomings, as illustrated by Sidney McIntyre-Starko’s story. Following this, the report outlines the activities and impact of the University of Alberta Harm Reduction Tent, presenting survey results and recommendations for future initiatives.


Defining Harm Reduction and Its Importance in University Settings

Harm reduction is a public health approach to substance use that prioritizes the health, autonomy, and dignity of individuals who use substances, focusing on minimizing harm rather than enforcing abstinence. The Canadian Public Health Association (2024) outlines harm reduction as a spectrum-based approach, recognizing that substance use can have both benefits and harms. By adopting a non-judgmental, evidence-based stance, harm reduction emphasizes individual choice and well-being, creating supportive environments where people can safely manage their substance use. This perspective is particularly crucial within university settings, where students are navigating new social pressures, academic stress, and, often, newfound independence (Dyck & Reist, 2021). As universities aim to foster well-being among their student populations, integrating harm reduction into campus health services is not only pragmatic but essential for addressing the real-world behaviours of students.

Historically, harm reduction has its roots in activism and pragmatic health approaches, especially in response to HIV and overdose crises (Ford, Wooster, & Bartram, 2021). By rejecting punitive measures and instead focusing on reducing immediate risks—such as infections, overdoses, and unsafe substance use practices—harm reduction aligns closely with public health principles that promote safety and equity. For universities, this means recognizing substance use as a reality among students and addressing it with empathy and resources, rather than punishment or not addressing it at all. A key component of harm reduction is meeting individuals where they are and providing them with the tools they need to stay safe, even if they continue to use substances (Canadian Public Health Association, 2024).

Substance Use Among University-Aged Populations

University students, particularly those between the ages of 18 and 24, represent a demographic characterized by high levels of experimentation with substances like alcohol and cannabis. Data from the Canadian Postsecondary Education Alcohol and Drug Use Survey (CPADS) reveals that 64% of students reported consuming alcohol in the past month, with an average of nearly six drinks on their heaviest drinking day (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2024). This level of alcohol consumption is concerning given that nearly half of students reported experiencing negative consequences, such as impaired driving or injuries, related to their drinking (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2024).

Cannabis use is also prevalent among university students, with 29% reporting monthly use and 75% of these users combining it with other substances like alcohol. Such patterns of poly-substance use heighten risks, including impaired decision-making and increased likelihood of accidents (Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2018). Additionally, about 37% of students reported using opioids or stimulants, with 13% using these in risky ways (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2024). Despite widespread substance use, many students are unaware of harm reduction strategies that could mitigate these risks, underscoring the need for comprehensive education and services on campuses.

The Role of Harm Reduction in Addressing Sexual Health and Mental Well-Being

There is a significant intersection between substance use and risky sexual behaviours among students. Research shows a decline in condom use with age, contributing to rising rates of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) among young adults (Wood, Martin, & LeBlanc, 2021). Additionally, nearly one-third of students reported engaging in unprotected sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs, increasing their vulnerability to STBBIs and unintended pregnancies (Sex Information and Education Council of Canada, 2019). Universities must address these interconnected risks by providing access to harm reduction tools such as condoms, STBBI testing, and sexual health education that is integrated with substance use prevention (Dyck & Reist, 2021).

Mental health concerns are also closely linked to substance use among university students. High levels of anxiety, depression, and stress drive many students to use substances as a coping mechanism (Ford, Wooster, & Bartram, 2021). Peer pressure and the normalization of heavy drinking during social events exacerbate these issues, making it challenging for students to make safer choices. Peer-based interventions have long been recognized as effective strategies in harm reduction, particularly in reaching populations that may be distrustful of traditional health services (Simoni et al., 2011). In the context of university campuses, leveraging peer influence can be a powerful tool to promote safer behaviours. Adolescents and young adults are highly susceptible to peer influence, and research shows that peer-led initiatives can positively affect decision-making, encouraging safer practices around substance use (Pei et al., 2020). Therefore, by involving students in the design and implementation of harm reduction programs, universities can harness the social influence of peers to promote healthier behaviours.

Barriers to Implementing Harm Reduction on Campuses

Despite the proven benefits, the adoption of harm reduction services on university campuses faces significant barriers. Many institutions still rely on punitive measures and zero-tolerance policies, which do little to address the underlying causes of substance use and may actually deter students from seeking help (Wild et al., 2021). The stigma surrounding substance use remains a significant hurdle, as it discourages students from accessing available services and discussing their needs openly (Nowell, 2022). This stigma is often rooted in outdated perceptions of substance use as a moral failing rather than a public health issue, making it critical for universities to shift toward more inclusive and compassionate policies.

The University of Alberta on Harm Reduction: Protective or Performative?

The University of Alberta acknowledges the importance of harm reduction and its role in minimizing the negative consequences of substance use. University policies and educational initiatives reflect an awareness of the harm reduction model, particularly in relation to alcohol consumption on campus. This is evident in their “Substance Awareness” webpage, which defines harm reduction as an approach which “aims to reduce the negative consequences of consuming alcohol and substances by providing information and protective strategies to lower the risk of harm.” In addition to the school pharmacies’ periodic and optional naloxone training. However, despite this conceptual understanding and token initiative, the university fails to actualize harm reduction principles in tangible and meaningful ways that directly benefit students. This gap between policy and practice leaves students vulnerable to preventable harms associated with substance use, particularly at university-sanctioned events where alcohol is consumed.

A review of the University of Alberta’s policies and procedures reveals a lack of comprehensive harm reduction measures integrated into campus life. The existing policies mandate responsible beverage service training for event organizers and emphasize the importance of awareness education, yet they do not require the provision of life-saving harm reduction supplies such as naloxone kits, fentanyl testing strips, or condoms at events where alcohol is served (“Licensed Venues,” n.d.-f; “Alcohol Event Policy and Procedures,” n.d.-d; “Alcohol Events Awareness & Education,” n.d.-e). The guidelines for hosting events with alcohol on campus include requirements such as obtaining special event licenses and ensuring security presence, but they make no mention of distributing harm reduction supplies or offering overdose prevention education (“Alcohol Event Policy and Procedures,” n.d.-d; “Safety and Security Resources for Students,” n.d.-a). The absence of these measures contradicts the university’s stated commitment to student health and safety.

The consequences of this inaction are not hypothetical. The tragic story of Sidney McIntyre-Starko serves as a painful reminder of what can happen when universities neglect to implement harm reduction measures. Sidney, a University of Victoria student, died in 2024 after consuming a toxic substance at her university residence, where no harm reduction resources – such as fentanyl testing strips, naloxone, or overdose response training – were available (“Sidney’s Death,” n.d.-a). Sidney’s friends and the university’s security staff, unaware of the signs of overdose, did not administer naloxone, provide rescue breaths, or seek timely medical assistance ( “Campus Medical,” n.d.-b). This preventable loss underscores the necessity for the University of Alberta to align its policies with its stated commitment to student health and well-being, by taking tangible steps to implement harm reduction measures in all campus spaces where substance use occurs (“Health + Wellness,” n.d.-b; “School Orientation,” n.d.-c). Without these actions, the university’s harm reduction policies remain performative rather than protective. Sidney McIntyre-Starko’s death was preventable and so too are the future University of Alberta students’.

The University of Alberta’s Harm Reduction Tent 


The project aimed to provide education, resources, and supplies to promote safer substance use and sexual health practices among students. This initiative emerged from our shared concern about the absence of critical harm reduction tools at campus events, especially given the open-air bar and concert venue serving alcohol to predominantly first-year students who were newly navigating their independence.

Drawing on their backgrounds in harm reduction—Emma’s extensive experience in crisis intervention in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and Hannah’s commitment to public health—they mobilized resources, volunteers, and community partnerships to launch this project. They collaborated with Alberta Health Services, StreetWorks, George Spady Society, and the FentaNIL Project to secure safer sex supplies, substance use kits, and naloxone training materials. For three days, the tent provided students with access to informational pamphlets, naloxone kits, safer drug use equipment, and interactive conversations aimed at promoting harm reduction.


The Harm Reduction Tent had a significant impact during its three days of operation. Hannah, Emma, and the volunteers engaged with approximately 1,275 students, distributing educational materials and harm reduction supplies. They provided 175 naloxone kits, all of which were quickly taken by students, demonstrating the high demand for such life-saving resources. Unfortunately, they could not distribute more kits due to challenges in securing a larger quantity, highlighting the need for improved access to naloxone on campus.

The pamphlets were written from the perspective of an older sibling who has “done it all,” providing information on how to have sex and use substances safer in a relevant way. The information in the safer use pamphlets included safer benzodiazepine, cocaine, ecstasy, hallucinogens, ketamine, opioids, study drugs, alcohol, and cannabis use, in addition to, safer online dating, safer chemsex, what is harm reduction, volunteering in harm reduction, and busting myths about harm reduction. In total, they distributed 829 pamphlets covering a range of topics, with particularly high engagement in safe alcohol use (113 pamphlets) and general harm reduction education (109 pamphlets). They also provided naloxone demonstrations and facilitated harm reduction discussions tailored to university settings, aiming to enhance students’ knowledge and preparedness for responding to substance-related risks. Additionally, they distributed 500 anti-spiking cup covers, hundreds of condoms and packets of lubricant, and several dozen safer snorting plastic straws.

A survey conducted with 115 students who visited our table indicated a strong positive reception: 98% of respondents reported learning something new about keeping themselves and their peers safe, while 99% gained new insights into harm reduction. Furthermore, nearly all respondents (99%) expressed strong support for the inclusion of a harm reduction tent at future orientation events.


The success of the Harm Reduction Tent underscored the urgent need for harm reduction services at university events, especially those involving alcohol. Students’ feedback demonstrated a clear demand for accessible resources and education on substance use, sexual health, and overdose prevention. The tent not only filled an evident gap in the university’s existing support system but also highlighted the limitations of current campus health strategies, which focus predominantly on abstinence and punitive measures rather than harm reduction.

Even if one naloxone kit was used to prevent a toxic drug poisoning death, out of the 175 naloxone kits distributed, that is one student who gets to go home for the holidays, graduate, and live. One saved student is enough. 

The high demand for naloxone kits, along with the enthusiastic engagement with our educational materials, demonstrates the critical role that harm reduction plays in supporting student well-being. Universities must recognize their responsibility to create safer environments for their students by incorporating harm reduction policies into their event planning and health services. It is ethically indefensible to host events that encourage alcohol consumption without providing the necessary tools to mitigate associated risks.

Programs such as the harm reduction tent organized by Emma and Hannah during the University of Aberta’s orientation week demonstrate the effectiveness of peer-led initiatives. These tents provided not only safer substance use supplies but also education and resources that students might not otherwise access. Studies indicate that peer-based programs are particularly effective because they resonate with the lived experiences of students, allowing for more open conversations about risks and safer practices (Mercer et al., 2021). Expanding such peer-based models can create a supportive community network that encourages responsible substance use while reducing stigma. 


  1. We recommend that harm reduction supplies and information are present at every university event where alcohol is being served. This includes but is not limited to the orientation weeks and licensed campus venues such as Dewey’s and Room at the Top
  2. We recommend that harm reduction supplies and information are present at every student residence and fraternity and sorority house affiliated with the University of Alberta. 
  3. We recommend that the harm reduction information is updated annually from a trauma-informed, evidence-based, and intersectional approach. 
  4. We recommend that Canadian universities focus on peer-based interventions in the dissemination of harm reduction information and supplies by and for university students. 
  5. We recommend that in times of heavier alcohol consumption, such as during the annual orientation week, more robust harm reduction services are offered such as:
    1. Connecting to local harm reduction services and hiring a harm reduction practitioner for each day to do on-site naloxone demonstrations. Outreach and support workers have been meeting people where they are at since the onset of the HIV/AIDs epidemic, and lean on them for supplies, information, and strategizing.
      1. University of Alberta – specific: Boyle Street Community Services
    2. Connecting to the local or provincial health authority to support in sourcing harm reduction supplies
      1. University of Alberta – specific: Alberta Health Services
    3. Connecting to local drug-testing centers to inquire about mobile services and support in sourcing fentanyl testing strips
      1. University of Alberta – specific: Queer & Trans Health Collective’s Spectrum Drug Testing Outreach
    4. Coordinating with student groups, such as those in public health, pharmacy, and other social justice-related student associations, to source peer volunteers to facilitate the harm reduction intervention 

In moving forward, it is essential for the University of Alberta to institutionalize harm reduction strategies, integrating them into campus events, housing, and student orientations. By fostering a culture of safety, education, and support, the university can not only reduce the risks associated with substance use but also empower students to make informed decisions that prioritize their health and the health of their peers.


 “A student’s death was inevitable – it was only a matter of time” Sidney McIntyre-Starko’s father 

The evidence strongly supports the need for comprehensive harm reduction policies at the University of Alberta. To create a safer environment for students, the university should prioritize expanding peer-led harm reduction initiatives, increasing access to resources like naloxone and drug-checking kits, and integrating harm reduction education into student orientations and social events. 

By adopting these recommendations, the University of Alberta can not only reduce the risks associated with substance use on campus but also demonstrate leadership in promoting the health and well-being of its students. The current approach of ignoring or minimizing the need for harm reduction in university settings is not only ineffective but also unethical. The time for change is now, and the university has both the responsibility and the opportunity to protect its students from preventable harms and deaths.

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